民营公司 50-150人 建筑/建材/工程 家居/室内设计/装潢
民营公司 50-150人 建筑/建材/工程 家居/室内设计/装潢
华茗设计集团(H.M.Design Group)成立于2005年,前身是中国建筑设计咨询公司浙江分公司,发展至今已具有建筑行业(建筑工程)设计甲级、建筑装饰工程设计甲级、风景园林工程设计乙级、建筑工程监理甲级和市政公用工程监理甲级等多种资质。华茗在业内率先提出3+1服务模式,即融合规划建筑设计、规划景观设计、室内设计三大类专业技术,并提供工程建设总承包及全过程项目管理和监理服务,能满足客户多元化,全方位的服务要求。公司拥有各类技术人员,其中:200余设计师、100余项目管理与监理工程师,是一支专业化、年轻化、充满活力、敢于创新的优秀技术团队,为华茗实施工程项目总承包,全过程设计与管理提供强大的综合技术实力支持。 华茗设计集团(H.M.Design Group)下设规划建筑设计公司、景观设计公司、室内设计所和工程管理(监理)公司。项目涵盖综合体、住宅、写字楼、星级酒店、学校、医院、厂区等,遍及浙江、北京、上海、江苏、山东、安徽、江西、海南等地,遍及全国三十多个省市。 华茗设计集团(H.M.Design Group)多年来始终秉承“设计创造价值,管理提升品质”的服务宗旨,致力于客户需求、商业价值与设计理念的完美结合,在实践中不断锐意进取,成就中国工程设计与工程管理行业的品牌典范。 H.M. Design Group was founded in 2005. Its former body is China Building Design Consultants Co. Zhejiang Branch. Over years of development, we have held the following qualifications: Construction Industry (Construction Engineering) Design Level A Qualification, Construction Decoration Engineering Design Level A Qualification, Landscaping Engineering Design Level B, Construction Engineering Supervision Level A Qualification and Municipal and Public Engineering Supervision Level A Qualification. We took the lead to come up with the 3+1 service mode, i.e., integrating three professional techniques, namely, planning and architectural design, landscape design and interior design, and providing general contracting for the engineering and the project management and supervision service throughout the process, which satisfies all kinds of service demands of customers. We have more than 200 designers and more than 100 project management and supervision engineers. It is a professional, young, energetic and innovative technical team, providing powerful comprehensive technical support to the general contracting for engineering projects, full-course design and management of H.M. Design. We have planning and architectural design company, landscape design company, interior design institution and engineering management (supervision). company involve in complex, residential building, office building, starred hotel, school, hospital and factory project. Our business covers more than thirty cities in different provinces,such as Zhejiang, Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Shandong, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hainan and so on. We have been following the service tenet of “design creating value and management improving quality” and committed to combining customer demand, commercial value and designing idea perfectly. We keep making progress in business practice and aim to be a model in China’s engineering design and engineering management industry.